Chapter 188 Abandoned by Mother

Nova knew that Kelly was very composed. What happened last night ruined Kelly’s image and made Kelly so

vexed and irritable.

Nova just smiled. “I never wanted to get back together with Henry. As for you, Kelly, I don’t think Henry paid. any attention to you. Even if you lied as a vegetable on the bed for a year, you only aroused a little of his sympathy. Your marriage with him would be bounded by his gratitude and sympathy for you. It would be the

same as my marriage to him.

“I am not you!” Kelly fought back. “You are not me! I will not use gratitude or sympathy to win him. That he

doesn’t like you is not equal to that he doesn’t like me.”

Nova nodded smilingly. “Alright then. I wish you good luck and I hope you could break the deadlock. Don’t

Or, as your cousin, I would feel distressed.”

Kelly cried, “You…”

it! If it wasn’t for you, I

such things openly, but Kelly knew that she must have been the

of this was

swallow the humiliation for nothing. She had to humiliate Nova!

see Nova in desperation, not in

approached Nova with a strange smile. “Nova,

so small that the recording pen couldn’t

frowned and looked at

smiled. “Nova, you know what’s the biggest failure in

in her heart and satirized,

husband, by your family!

whispered, “You mother thinks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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