Chapter 070

Stella gritted her teeth, “Your first time, it’s really a pity to lose it!!!

Nova’s eyelashes trembled slightly, her first time…….

This was also the point that Henry disliked her.

Once, she had been drugged and sent into some room. Back then, she was delinous, and she only felt that she had spent that night in a daze. After she woke up, her body was sore and swollen. And there was a man lay next to her.

At that moment, she was really panicked. But when she found out it was Henry, she just felt that the whole world was translucent.

Luckily, luckily it was him.

But after he woke up, he was disgusted with her and even he made sarcastic remarks.

“Nova, you think I’m going to marry you just because of this? Your father had been scheming me to marry you, and now you’re crawling into my bed. Your father and his daughter are really cheaper than one another!”

panic that she was also being schemed, but Henry didn’t believe a word of it and

she cried.

could marry Henry and he was agreed to marry her. At that time she could

definitely find a way to make him fall in love with he.

“Nova, Nova……?”

hastened to speak, “I see your face is not good. Do you think back to the past?” Nova took a slight breath and she smiled in a far–fetched way, “It’s all in the past, I’ll move on and

“He didn’t touch you all

was so disgusted with me. How could he had touched

But when she was looking at Nova’s expression, she found that it was not so good and she immediately spoke, “Nova, the era is different now! It’s not that membrane would determine anything. You’re a good girl, sooner or later

Nova smiled, “Whatever.”

care anymore anyway.

the cars and the


out with a big bag of stuff at the moment, and she’s going to Nova’s


the fear that Nova would dislike her for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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