Chapter 059 Nova unconsciously looked up at the man next to her. At the moment, the car has stopped. Chester smiled at her. “The Internet is full of

crap. If you‘re feeling sick, I can take you somewhere.” Nova smiled. “I‘m not upset, I‘m just observing the situation to see if I will be thrown eggs when I get out.” Chester stared at her and said nothing. Nova took the phone back from his hand and thanked him. Thank You, President Don, for driving me back. Just let me know when the court will be held. See you later.” With that, she got out of the car and watched her close the car door and enter the unit door. He did not move. The phone rang and Chester picked it up. “President Don, they‘re

his eyes off and drove away... King Family Group. The atmosphere in the conference room had never been lower. Everyone kept their mouths shut for fear of angering Henry. Everyone could see how gloomy Henry‘s face was without looking at it. Who would have thought that Nova was so ungrateful! She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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