Chapter 162 Came Back To Me?

“No matter who, it’s their own business.” Simon paused a while saying.

Lan got his head around it instantly, and he burst out laughing. “It serves her right.”

Here Nova had been in the lounge with Mabel. Looking at Mabel, who was drawn sitting in the chair, Nova’s heart ached. She came close to Mabel and said gently, “Grandma, I knew you are. hurt every year on that day, but grandma, the accident is behind you now and many years have passed in your remorse. Can we just move on?”

Mabel felt a great weight of sorrow inside her and when she heard Nova’s comfort she looked up

subconsciously to tell her pain. “Nova, you are not me, it is a forever sore point of me…”

Before Mabel finished her words, Nova clenched her hands tightly and said solemnly, “Grandma, do you know why I take the trouble to bring you the Blessing Emerald?”

was startled by her question. Nova continued, “I hope it

through meditation and I wish you both health

are a good girl. Grandma has enjoyed the

is running out. I have no regret but you are the only care of

showed. me what love is. I have no one to rely on except you, you are my only family. Are you going

mental depression. Nova would like to see grandma remain hale and hearty for years yet, that’s why she made up her mind to set a trap for Kelly to

plan without the King’s permission

it for a reason of self. Grandma was the only family who support her, she couldn’t imagine what kind of her world would be

but grandma treated her as dear as Henry.

please, grandma, let past be past.

who crouched down in front

face affectionately.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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