Chapter 099

Now that all of the matters were settled, she only wanted to get rid of these bigwigs.

Let alone torn between Henry and Chester

Chester sighed with frustration “Listen, Polly, I promise I won’t put you in a pickle anymore or range you

against Henry. So can you give the a chance to be friends with you?

Nova zipped her lips. “But we are not in the same circle at all “

She was smart enough to know what his intention was He wanted to buy a cat for her as a gift

And she wouldn’t accept it

“Nova ”

Chester called her name twice for the merest fraction of a second

Still, Nova looked calmly “Sorry, Mi Don, I’m busy rơin

Then she hung up crisply before he could say anything

just as Nova arrived at Motor

I’m already there. Where are

I’m standing at the entry of

where are you. Just stay put and I’m

shoulder bag. So she

a light blue dress today, pleasingly simple but impressing as usual. At the sight of her, Zona

see what’s

in anything! And blue suits you well! Are you sure you are not a

hide her amusement at her words. “Then you must be a lovable princess.”

in a colorful

smile back and held her hand. Where

were numerous 45 stores affiliated with different family groups. Taking

mouth “I know you don’t want to be intertwined with two of them, but

and King’s are more superior in quality


affiliated with because total

she was not an unforgiving

the group

a car was only a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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