Chapter 089

Everyone present, with baited breath, was worried about Lan. As a first–class lawyer, he would suffer from absolute disgrace if he lost the court case to Nova, a novice who was still wet behind ears.

At long last, Lan hit back at the third point with his rebuttal.

“Thirdly, what Miss Bush mentioned does not meet the terms of today’s appeal, according to…”

Nova raised the corner of her mouth slightly, his rebuttal was kind of far–fetched, alright, let’s just cut him some slack.

Nova was completely unaware of what kind of glamour she was delivering now and bent on the case with her undivided


Even though Henry has gazed at her all the time, but… Nova didn’t give him a glance all along.

“Plaintiff, please speak.”

Nova’s, same as Chester. However once Nova had the floor

time, Lan was troubled by

mind, he still need the assistance of a few written materials in front

Lan’s defense became more and more far off the mark,


said impassively, “As regards the defendant’s project, my client the Don family group has the right to request to take over the project hereafter. At the same time, the profit involved in this project needs to. be

Zona’s jaw dropped

that the Don family group could not only turn the tables and win the lawsuit, but even force the King family group to pay

and then he looked at Henry with

line, and the dark mist in his eyes seemed to be congealed into beads of water.


“Opposition!” Said Lan.

attorney, please

his fists, Lan had a feeling that lawsuit


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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