Chapter 140 Have No Reason to Back Down

The video was over. Nova looked unrestrained and elegant, and Henry looked gloomy.

Lan was so amused. “Bro, be honest with me, have you fallen in love with Nova?”

Henry was taken aback. I fall in love with Nova?

The next moment, he laughed sarcastically. “How would I possibly fall in love with her?”

Nova was willful and reckless. She opposed him and made the Kings lose face. How would he possibly fall in love with such a woman?

Impossible. Never ever!

Lan was speechless.

He looked at Henry in silence, but his expression betrayed his thoughts. Alright, I know you’re not admitting it. But, anyway, I know you have fallen in love with her.

Henry was speechless.

Lan raised his brows and asked, “What about Kelly Bush? Will you marry her? Nova must be

marry Kelly? If you marry her, things might get worse out there. People would say Kelly is the other woman who ruined Nova and

know the truth.

an insider. He

looked indifferent. “No plans for

you promise

In silence, he tossed the pen

his cold gaze at Lan. When he saw Lan was about to speak in a devil–may–care manner, he immediately said, “You want to get out by yourself, or you want me

“send out” meant

been kicked out before. When he heard Henry, he darkened his face.

And you aren’t going to thank me but

had gripped his arm. “Alright, alright, fuck you! I can walk out myself.

Henry loosened his grip.

and walked away with his

left alone in the study.

such tranquility, he became unable to focus on work. He took out

interview video again…

Have No Reason

Time flew by.

of an eye, old Mrs. King’s

people were preparing for this day as they all wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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