Chapter 284 Time to Say Goodbye

In the kitchen, Gilbert took a can of spices out of nowhere, and asked, “Mom, can we even use the spices? I think it’s been around for a year or two,”

Liam was looking for a bamboo basket, “Mom, where did you put the basket?”

Jonas diced the onion, ginger, and garlic for seasoning, but could not find the garlic, “Mom, are we out of garlic?”

Edward said loudly, “Mom, must the chicken bones be peeled off? It’s too difficult to peel them, can I just

chew it?”

Bryson, Max, and Cloud were dumbfounded outside the door.

However, they had not been home all year round and did not know where the things Jonas and the others. were looking for.

Bettany stared, “Get out of here, don’t annoy me anymore,”

Jean laughed.

She took out a basket from the left cabinet and took garlic from the top of it, and said, “You can’t have a spice that’s been here for many years. Mom bought new spices and threw out the old ones,”

Bettany’s back stiffened and stopped chopping.

Her eyes were red, and Lilly, who was holding an onion, raised her head in doubt and asked, “What’s wrong, Grandma?”

Bettany said with a smile, “It’s nothing, the onions are making me cry,”

Lilly picked the onion with her fingers curiously.

Were onions spicy? No!

How could onions make people cry?

Eventually, her nails tore through the onion, and a pungent smell rushed to her and Lilly’s eyes teared up.

“Ah… Onions do make my eyes hurt,” Lilly held the onion far away from her.

Seeing that Bettany was sad, everyone felt a little emotional.

They then heard Lilly crying and scolding the onion, which lightened the atmosphere.

Bettany quickly picked up the onion, “Kids shouldn’t touch onions, don’t touch your eyes after that, okay?”

“I already did!”

feeling hot just now, so she rubbed her

now crying loudly.

with a tissue, “Come here, I’ll wipe

and said, “You can’t use

it was funny. She held Lilly’s hand and said, “Let’s go, I’ll

was wholesome after

the children caused trouble in the kitchen.

the kitchen…

stood outside the door and said

she was able to let her reunite with

held responsible for this. So, she practiced with the old guys in the underworld. Generally speaking, family members who passed away could not reunite with their

at all.

a blind eye since Hannah and Drake

then gently touched Jean’s head, and said with a smile, “Long time no see. Jean.”

smiled and said, “It’s been a

with your lithography machine yet? This is a top secret! You have to stay alert, agents seem to be attacked in peaceful times right?”

hummed, and smiled, “You still remember what I’m doing!”

“Of course I

think you’ve gained weight.

I worked hard

laughed out

going to have meatballs, buffalo wings, roasted lamb, and chicken feet

was sweating and kept gasping



said speechlessly, “Don’t eat

the Crawford family’s reunion and felt that


she looked at Blake strangely, “Why does spicy food hurt when you eat it but

that she was going to love spicy food

chicken feet and gave her water. He added, “That’s because spice is a sense of touch and not a sense of taste so, it’s more

asked again, “What’s wrong with being kids?

try not to have a

feet, and added, “Not only does your stomach hurt, but you’ll hurt

Lilly was stunned.

How scary!

her stomach,

the chicken feet, I’m not eating it, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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