Chapter 320 Don’t Use Your Phone at Night

Grace could not spare a moment to take a second look, as the elderly woman vanished in an instant, and she was swiftly pushed back onto the bed.

Quinnie scolded her angrily, “Gracie, don’t you care about your life? Who allowed you to get out of bed? Seems like you haven’t bled enough!”

Grace pursed her lips, choosing to remain silent

Late at night, in a rented room in a particular neighborhood, a young girl sat on the bed, swiping through her mobile phone when she suddenly sensed something peculiar.

Switching on the light, she rose from the bed and cautiously moved around the house, sniffing the air as she walked.

“Strange, where did the smell of dead mice come from…” she muttered to herself.

She swept the broom under the bed, only finding a few stray hairpins and coins that had rolled underneath.

There’s nothing here!” she concluded with a frown, shaking her head.

Then she sniffed the air once more, the odor had mysteriously vanished.

“It’s really strange,” the girl muttered to herself. “I’ll have to ask the landlord to come and take a look. another day.”

With that thought, she switched off the light and settled back onto the bed, engrossed in her phone.

Now and then, she burst into laughter, the glow from the phone’s screen casting an eerie light on her face.

Unbeknownst to her, a girl stood silently behind her, her head lowered and her hair covering her face. She gazed intently at the screen of the phone, mirroring the girl’s actions and occasionally flashing a grin of her own. Yet, the girl remained completely oblivious to the presence behind her.

“Recently, there have been reports at Olivine Temple saying that dolls made by Spring Friends were made of ashes…”

The girl let out a startled “Huh” as she came across something unexpected in the middle of the night. She quickly swiped away, feeling a slight sense of unease. Late–night browsing often leads to stumbling upon various content, ranging from tantalizing culinary delights to DIY tips and even horror short videos.

she encountered a series of videos

within her. “Don’t watch it, -don’t watch it. It’s scary,” she muttered

practicing good health” habits

sleep, a peculiar odor wafted through the

blanker tightly and turned over, reaching out to adjust the air conditioner to


quilt, the chill in the air dispersing any

the coolness and gradually drifted off to

in the quilt, but an unusual chill seemed to permeate the air. Despite the comforting

sensation of coldness.

was a common experience for many people to feel colder in the middle of the night when sleeping with the air conditioner on. The initial coolness

alarm clock blared. Rubbing her eyes,

to work? I need more sleep. From now on, I should avoid using my phone at night and make sure to go to bed before ten o’clock!” she groaned.

night’s sleep, she resolved to establish healthy sleep habits and prioritize

never kept her word.

complained as she got up to brush her teeth and wash her face,

she opened the closet to change her

mouse smell be coming from…”

the source of the scent, and her gaze

an antique design, and at its base is a built–in compartment

the floor.

rented the house, the landlord mentioned the presence of miscellaneous items in the closet and advised

muttered, “There’s a

grumbled and called her landlord.

for miscellaneous items was acceptable; she

when it came to dealing with dead mice,

planning to come and check out the wardrobe?” the girl asked while changing her clothes.

landlord seemed startled, and hurriedly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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