Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 2135-“Is something wrong with the experiment?” the queen asked softly after hesitating.

Although she looked forward to it, she always felt the experiment might have flaws. However, she knew little about scientific things and did not know what the flaws could be.

Fred always said Lily was bluffing, but it might not be because of what was happening.

“R10’s biggest issue is that it has never been experimented on a living person. Nobody knows its risks or success rate,” Lily explained solemnly, “But Fred has insisted on completing the experiment and even tempted you to try it. Do you know why?”

As if resisting temptation, the queen hesitated before asking, “Why?”

“Because you are the last experiment, Your Majesty.” Lily’s words caused the queen’s ears to ring.

widened her eyes and looked confused.

saw the queen’s expression and knew the latter understood what she meant. Lily smirked and casually

know whether or not the experiment will work through you.”

ordinary experiment. She showed no fear, even though she was essential to

experiment was never to serve you from the start. Instead, it

shook her head because she did not know what else he might be thinking. “However, Fred can always conduct another experiment

“Y-You’re just guessing. You just want to escalate

over and knelt on one knee before looking at the queen.

love your people. I can understand if you struggle to let certain things go at your age. Fred just used you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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