Austin realized Mike was getting emotional, adding, “I never knew you were so good with children. If I were you, I wouldn't know what to do. Anyway, they do look a lot like Alex. What do you think?”

Austin tilted his head as he asked, sizing up the sleeping babies.

Mike also tilted his head to look at them. Indeed, they had Alexander's eyebrows and Lily's mouth.

“They sure do, but we can‘t make such assumptions. The more we think that way, the more they look like Alex and Lily. If I told you they aren’t Alex’s children, would you still think they resemble him?* Mike looked serious.

Austin thought, ‘Indeed, now they don’t look like Alex and Lily.’

He shook his head and straightened up, saying, “Shit, you're right!”

wonder if they resemble Alex. It’s best to wait for the DNA report.” Mike gently tucked in the babies,

Austin sighed inwardly.

him from thinking about his son. Forget it. Just

to the outhouse where Rhea was. He was curious how

its own trait. The symptoms somehow varied, whether the pandemic virus or the ones on himself, Cameron,

a physician for many years, Austin knew individuals differed—however, the

arrived at the door to the outhouse and saw the glass window at the top. It was not large, but it offered a view inside. Trying not



Where the hell

missed a spot, he rubbed his eyes and looked again. No matter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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