“Your Highness, I know you’re upset and worried about Her Majesty’s safety, but what matters most is to locate her now.

You can punish me however you like after she returns safely. I know I’ve failed you and her,” Fred said earnestly.

“Then tell me, how am I supposed to find her?” Ross gazed coldly at him.

Fred answered, “It’s best if someone could look for Her Majesty so we know she’s safe.”

“Are you suggesting I approach the Hyderland government?” Ross said, raising his brow.

Fred shook his head. “Of course not! The less people know about it, the better. If not, this would put Her Majesty in even

greater danger.”

“You don’t want to alert the authorities here? Fred, do you think we’re in our country? Would they let you do whatever you

like in Hyderland?” Ross slammed the coffee table.

sound unreasonable, but think about it. If this

the government here will know she has been secretly

impact the ties between our countries and how the world sees us. Therefore, we can

secret,” Fred said.

asked, “Can’t

Her Majesty after her last

many mountainous regions in Hyderland, and

upset. “You knew she was

alone? What

company but was tied up with my work. If

Majesty didn’t want to attract too



books on medicine and

me in detail.” Scratching his head, Fred looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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