Furthermore, Ross wouldn't have found out about Rick if the latter didn't show himself. Ross could not help but wonder if there were more like Rick.

Rick pressed the elevator button and stood aside to make room for the prince. The former then lowered his head slightly. "I can't answer your question, Your Highness."

His answer was again courteous and firm.

Ross knew Rick couldn't tell him but was surprised he was so direct. Ross raised his brow and said, “Good. I hope you can stay loyal, unlike Fred.”

Rick wasn't upset when the prince compared him to Fred. Instead, Rick remained impassive. Soon after, he led Ross to the reception room.

He was stunned when he realized it wasn't his mother's room. Ross sounded angry, saying, "The reception room?"

Your Highness. Please wait for a moment," Rick said

brought Ross a cup of coffee and went away. After a while, Ross heard a wheelchair and steady footsteps nearby. He knew his

door opened, followed by the sound of the wheelchair rolling over the floor. Ross sat with his back toward the door but didn't turn to look over his shoulder. Instead, he picked up the coffee

greet me?" Yasmin's dignified

Ross stood up and bowed ceremoniously. "Good

frowned. "What is this? Can't I even ask you to

even put me in jail now if you like," Ross

you in jail?" Yasmin frowned and gestured. "Take

deserve to,"

point, Yasmin could tell he was upset. She sighed and said, "What's the matter with

that an order?" Ross

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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