Mike said through gritted teeth, “But it'll be too late when the experiment begins."

The thought of his son lying on the cold operating table was too much for him to bear. He could not let such a horrible thing happen to Nick.

'Nicky has been in the embassy's hands for so long, and now this. He probably doesn't even know what dangers he's facing.'

"Can you rescue your son if you force your way into the embassy now?" Alexander asked.

Mike's eyes were bloodshot. "I don't fucking care. I still have to try even if they kill me!"

go ahead!" Alexander slammed the table and shouted at Austin, "Let

was also overwhelmed, having to stop Mike and calm Alexander down

him if he insists. We saw how tight the security was in the embassy, not to mention Fred and Queen Yasmin's hidden weapons. Let's see if he can make it

toward the door

fell silent and

Austin let him go and felt his

Mike slumped onto a nearby stool, looking lost. "So I can only stand by

time for Mike. The former

Secretary Rollins should have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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