Rick had been waiting outside while Yasmin talked to Fred. The former lowered his gaze and went over to help Yasmin push her wheelchair. The queen remained silent until they entered the elevator.

Rick muttered, “Prince Ross wishes to see you, Your Majesty."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. Rick knew what she meant and stopped telling her about it.

As Yasmin gazed at the elevator's floor indicator above, she suddenly said, "Okay."

"Your Majesty?"

"Bring him to see me." The elevator opened, and she wheeled herself out of the elevator.

Ross to the


for the prince and


your manners?!" She raised her voice

the prince knelt on one knee and bowed. "Greetings,

said, turning her wheelchair around

his mother seemed to look older in just two days. Not only there were more wrinkles on her face, but she also looked haggard. He got up and took a

doorway, Rick leaned slightly forward, ready for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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