Chapter 312

However, she could not help but open the chat window again after awhile.

Nowadays, it should not be a problem for a woman to take the initiative.She convinced herself there was nothing wrong with sending him a text first.

Lily quickly typed, "I've arrived!"

Then she sent it out immediately, without giving herself a chance to hesitate.

However, her message seemed to have sunk into the sea.

There was no response at all, not even an emoji.

Staring at the screen, Lily felt embarrassed.She had taken the initiative, yet there was no reaction from him.

Lily long-pressed her message, wanting to un-send the message, but the time limit for un-sending had lapsed.

D*mn it! She was upset when her phone rang suddenly.

she was excited and

as she was about to

Picking it up in such a hurry, wouldn’t it be obvious that she was waiting for his call? After three seconds, she answered the phone


sounded a

twenty-eight minutes,"


Lily didn't understand what he

and twenty-eight minutes

and twenty-eight minutes ago.Even taking into account the journey on the road and some rest time, you are still about five hours

also seven hours and twenty-eight minutes late! No,

so he could very well take the

dare he blame her for being late? "I'm sorry.I was in

sighed, pinching

of long meetings, Alexander was exhausted.иσνєℓєвσσк.¢σмHe just had a cup

he was about to call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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