Chapter 376

She did not hate Southbank soap, but it was too insincere to treat corporate gifts as gifts.

"It seems that this gift isn’t valuable enough to satisfy you.It’s okay.I have other gifts."

He caught up with her in a few steps and blocked her way.Lily could not do anything but stand there and stare at him as he blocked her path.

"Is it another gift under the guise of a corporate gift?"

As expected, businessmen would seize every opportunity to generate profit.He did not miss any business opportunities, even when he brought her out to play.

"Of course not!"

Lily stared at him for a while before she reached out, "Where’s my gift?"

He hurriedly handed her the gift bag he was holding, "Didn’t you say you don’t want it?"

"I changed my mind!"

bag and

soaps with various fragrances, they had a faint smell of vegetable oil.No matter the color or shape, their smell was

but now, she seemed to be able to grasp his meaning when

way, Southbank soap will

special was that they only

very dominant, and there was almost no other fragrance.It

difference in the artistry, most consumers were not particular about

business field, one needed to go against

you don’t advance, you

or hesitation, others

Group was aware of seizing the opportunity before others

This was indeed commendable.

"You're brilliant!"

praised her unreservedly, "That’s why I am at ease to hand this project to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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