Chapter 389

Mike overheard their conversation when he came up and interjected.

"Mr. Corden." Lily stood up and nodded her head when she saw him. Then, he gestured for them to sit while he held a little boy with his other hand.

"Hello, everyone," Nick greeted politely. His voice was crisp and very pleasant to the ear.

"Hello, Nick," Lisa replied with a smile. She was pretty familiar with him.

Lily also joined in with a nod. "Hello."

her. "Ms. Christian,

with his words. If Mike had given the gift, Lily might have rejected it, but since a child gave it, she did not expect it to be expensive, and the box was not very big either. She could not bear to reject this little boy and took it from him, saying, "Thank

the gift, he quickly returned to his father's side, like a well-behaved child. Lily had a great impression of the child. It was distressing to think that he had

the few people were seated, Mike said, "Have you ordered

to eat without you, would we?" Lisa retorted,

smile, he replied, "You should’ve ordered first. 1 was

even looking at the menu, he called the waiter and ordered a few dishes skillfully before turning to Lily and asking, "Is there anything you don't like? Otherwise, do you have any favorites? I was worried that you might

picky with my food," Lily answered. She was not too picky when eating outside, not to

fries okay?" Mike's tone softened as he looked down

you get some ketchup on

Nick looked nervous, but eventually, he saw Mike nod and say, "Okay." Only then did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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