Chapter 394

Lily's smile widened when she noticed he was looking at her.

Nick was a little surprised when Lily smiled at him. He stared at her for a while as his tense little face relaxed, and a glimmer of a smile appeared.

The smile appeared to vanish in an instant because it was so brief. Lily did not rush to speakbut instead offered him her hand. Her fingers curled slightly, and the palm face-up as if to extend an invitation.

Looking at the hand full of kindness, he hesitated for a while, then carefully placed his little hand into her palm. Lily immediately held his hand and smiled even brighter at him.

Then, she got a surprise. Nick's arms flew open, and he rushed to her, hugging her tightly. Lily was taken aback as she only wanted to soothe him. She did not expect him to be so vulnerable with her.

while stroking his back with one hand to comfort him, she could feel that he was

trembling body gradually calmed down, and the arms holding her were no longer so tight. Lily tried to

hand and taking the child from her arms,

"Anyway, don’t argue in front of the kid. It will have a great

nodded, but he felt it was a shame,

not in a rush to leave, I was hoping you could stay with him for a

opportunities if you stay! My dad's team is excellent

you’re so talented in the perfumery business, don't you want to seek a better future? Besides, if you encounter any difficulties here,

in the local industry. No matter where I am, I'll create my own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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