Chapter 399

Lily knew Alexander would not do such a pompous thing, so she did not know what was happening. She just kept thinking that someone was pranking her.

The balloon floated up and formed a beautiful scene. The ladies in the crowd thought the balloons were romantic, so they stuck their heads out the window to see who had sent them.

"Look! There's someone there!"

"Yeah! Right downstairs!"

"Is he holding flowers? Wow! What a big bouquet!"

"Let's see! It's a big bunch of red roses! Exactly ninety-nine, right? II

exclamations came one after another, and many had

Lily's face, Lily was not happy at

not see clearly. Coincidentally, the person was looking up as she looked down. Olivia

arranged the whole thing. Olivia turned to look at

heartless man?" Jenny did not see the man very clearly, but when she heard Olivia say his name, she immediately understood. Jenny said, with a light snort, but not without

get back

"I think

with him again? He hadn’t given her a single flower or even taken her to dinner.

Lily’s private matter. Still, Olivia asked, "Are

her attitude was apparent. Olivia hurriedly said, "If you don't

and go downstairs, but Lily stopped her. "No


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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