Chapter 410

Nathaniel had been drinking for quite a while since feeling down. He had never felt like this before, and it was like everything was over.

“Hey, handsome, it’s such a bore to be drinking alone. Why don’t you join me?” An attractive woman approached Nathaniel and started to hit on him.

Nathaniel raised his head to look at the woman but could not make out who she was as he was already quite wasted, “Sure, why not.”

Suddenly, someone came over and shoved the lady aside, ignoring her yells of protest. Nathaniel roared intoxicatedly, “Who are you?! How dare you...” Before he could finish his sentence, someone dragged him to the bar entrance by his collar.

“W-Who are you? W-What are you trying to do?” He was slightly sober now as he stood outside the bar shivering from the cold wind that blew. Although the commotion attracted some attention, it was normal at a bar, so everyone continued having fun after a while.


door slammed beside him. Since he was drunk, he was half-kneeling in his seat, trying hard


cold glass of water. It was already winter, so

splashed him with water when he heard the familiar voice. When the lights inside the car turned

cried, unleashing all his pent -up frustration and unfairness he felt. He lay his head on Eloise’s lap and sobbed uncontrollably. Nathaniel was just like

failed to call her Ms. Neville. Instead, she sighed and gently patted Nathaniel’s head,

crying for a while, Nathaniel felt tired, so he sat up and cleaned his face

composure, Nathaniel said, “I didn’t

stated, “Now, you’re

get destroyed too, but what can I do to salvage it? I’ve failed you!” Nathaniel wanted to tear up again, so he tilted his head upward, not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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