Chapter 412

"Mom! I'm sorry, I made a mistake! 1 thought we’d surely succeed, but this happened.I didn’t think that Mel would be dumb enough to kidnap Lily.I had no idea she would do such a thing! Plus..."

Nathaniel remembered something and stole a glance at Eloise.

"I didn’t know that Frank was a drug addict.He has a terrible reputation worldwide!"

Nathaniel only found out everything after he did some investigation upon hearing that Melanie was in trouble.

Everything made sense to him now.He knew the reason he could not get in touch with Melanie and lost contact with Frank—the cops in Westwood had captured them.

"That’s enough.He lied to me, too."

Eloise rubbed her temples, her head throbbing at the mention of Frank.She was not careful enough back then.

To her knowledge, Frank was smart and talented.

He had also won several awards in the past.

Little did she know his creations were the results of plagiarism, and his reputation was terrible!

it to

stared at Eloise in astonishment.His gaze made her uncomfortable, so

I didn’t know he was such a person and got


a sigh of relief, but

world is in

me one

tone softened as she took in his sad expression

had always felt guilty for being absent all those years, mainly because

okay.You didn’t ruin everything yet.At least this isn't the worst scenario for us.By

of that, Nathaniel

"It’s not going smoothly?"

threw him a sideway glance as she did not see

How could she forgive you so easily? The Lodge family is probably still mad at you too.You need to be patient about

I have, it’s useless! Mom, she’s in a relationship with someone else

Eloise and said

Eloise was stunned.

heard nothing about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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