Chapter 429 

The trio was stunned when they read the apology post. 

How could this be called an apology statement? It was more like a shift–the–blame statement. Nathaniel wrote a long article, but the trio could only summarize it as follows: 

Firstly, Nathaniel had spent the past few days carefully checking, scrutinizing, and researching the experiential records and could finally prove that the previous products were indeed Lily‘s work and not Melanie‘s. 

The reason for the previous misunderstanding was because of Melanie‘s deception. He was also deceived and did not know the truth. Now that Nathaniel knew, he deeply regretted it and wanted to apologize to Lily. 

Secondly, the relationship between him, Melanie, and Lily was a personal issue, and Nathaniel did not want to discuss it publicly. However, due to 

everyone‘s concern, he wanted to make it clear that he had no regrets as he was in love. 

accept any of her decisions, retaliation, or do anything she wanted, to make up for his mistake. He was willing to cooperate and satisfy Lily as

know if it was true or not and was even more oblivious to how much of it was the truth. For example, it was true that the previous products were Lily‘s, but did Melanie deceive Nathaniel?

That was the only

starting to admire him!” Jenny shook her head

He‘s a shameless person!” Olivia felt

and knows he must pretend to be weak when he meets a strong enemy. Nathaniel knows he can no longer hide the truth and thus mixes

half–truth and half–lie. Lies within truth and truth interlaced with lies, who knows what‘s the truth and

agreement with


you going to expose? He said he didn‘t know and got deceived by Melanie. Nate was also a victim. If you were to say he did know. Who would the public believe?

fight for herself. Nate blamed her because he knew about this. Melanie has no way to

to Westwood to look for Melanie regarding this. Even if we go, it‘s still unsure whether or not we can meet her. Even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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