Chapter 461 “That‘s why I want you to ask!” Brittany circled the table, grabbed his arm, and gently rocked it, “It‘s not a big deal. You just need to check the details. Can‘t you help me on this small thing?” 

After all, it was not a big deal, but where did she hear that nonsense? 

Brandon frowned and looked at her disgusted, “How could you even believe this? I remember you were quite confident in yourself! Have you ever seen another woman with Alex? I thought you‘d already chased away all the ladies that tried to get near him. Besides, with how he acts, I would probably believe he was gay if you said so. By the way, do you think he‘s engaged to another man?” 

He remarked in all seriousness, convinced that his viewpoint was the most sensible. 

Brittany clenched her tiny fist and thumped him fiercely,” Bullsh*t! You‘re probably gayer than he is! Just help me ask! Why are you asking so many questions?” Being hammered by the fist, Brandon screamed, “Alright, I‘ll ask! It‘s true when they say that women‘s hearts turn to their lovers rather than family. If I came out of the closet, I‘d be the last successor in our family!” Seeing her fist raised and was about to hit him again, he hurriedly made a begging gesture, “My dear Brittany, I‘ll ask for you. Please be merciful!” 

Hearing what he said, Brittany put down her hand, “You said it! Don‘t forget it!” She was about to leave, but she remembered something. She turned around and said, “By the way, remember to tell me after you‘ve booked the time and place. I‘m going too! 

“Friendly advice. You‘d

pouted and was very

she wanted to let Alexander coax her first, but after waiting several days, she became impatient. Well, who told her to fall for him? Those who fell in love first were the ones who ended up feeling

about this. Whether true or false, do you think he‘ll tell the truth

“Why not?” 

so, why don‘t you ask him yourself?”

dumbfounded. Brittany bit her lips, looking convoluted. “Listen to me. Don’t come! Men have their

It‘s not suitable for you to come!” Brandon understood Brittany too

domineering and willful temperament, Alexander would not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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