Chapter 463 Alexander was not making excuses, as he was genuinely busy. After all, it was the end of the year. There were the year–end financial statements, reports, and summaries from various branches, the human resources management, and others. Alexander had too many things to handle. 

Of course, this was not the only reason he was so busy. He could do these things slowly, but he wanted to finish as soon as possible so he could spend time with his wife. He always did work step–by–step in the past, and it did not matter, even if he needed to work until New Year‘s Eve. 

However, things were different now. Now, Alexander had someone which he wanted to accompany. He wanted to give more of his time to her. 

Alexander was busy the whole afternoon. When he checked the time after the last meeting, he realized that he had worked overtime. Alexander yearned to go home. He walked to his office and even signed the various documents handed over by his assistant along the way. 

When he pushed the office door open, someone who rushed over blocked him. “Mr. Russell, you should have some time now, right?” 

Alexander frowned as he looked at Brandon, who appeared before him. The look on his face clearly showed, ‘No strangers are allowed to come close.‘ 

saw his expression

said he had made an appointment with you, Mr. Russell. He has been waiting for

been three hours, forty–seven minutes, and twenty–eight seconds to be exact!” He also blew a kiss toward

helping you water the flower. Women are like flowers; we need to water them occasionally to keep them nourished. Look at yourself. You always put on a stern face and are as cold as an ice block. You‘ll make these flowers wither. Do you know how heartbreaking it would be to see the flowers wilt?” He did not forget to release his pheromones while he said this. Occasionally, he would send them a

not look as handsome as Alexander, but his features were well–proportioned. His facial features were ordinary but made others feel comfortable when combined. It

to discharge electricity wherever he went. Moreover,

the window blinds to prevent this ba*tard from harassing his employee. He signed the last document, handed it to the assistant, and gave him some instructions. After that, Alexander turned around and

seemed like he was about to leave.

him closely. He would follow Alexander wherever he went.

don‘t have time. I told you before; I‘m going home!” Alexander walked into his exclusive

a seven-year–old child who needs to listen to his mother and obediently go home after school. You haven‘t eaten, am I right? I haven‘t, either. Let‘s have a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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