Chapter 480 

If he remembered correctly, her parents died in an airplane crash when she was young. She should not remember much about it as she was still a kid at that time and was not on the plane. Could it be because she missed them too much? 

When they returned to the Lodge family, she did not show an intense yearning for her parents. Why did she suddenly faint today? Could the scene where Olivia‘s mother was hurt be the trigger? 

It looked like she had a fragile heart! 

“S–Something happened,” He gasped loudly and hid in a messy room to make a phone call. The room was filthy, the lights were not turned on, and slivers of moonlight shone coldly on the floor. 

“What are you panicking about? Didn‘t you say that you‘ll deal with it?!” The receiver used a voice modulator. Although his voice sounded very hoarse and strange, his impatience was obvious. 

not expect it to be such a big fire. Moreover, there were so many people in that old building.” His

by how many people were inside. He assumed there

It was well past midnight and dark as many homes did not have any lights on. How

crowd and saw all the bodies that were carried out, he almost had a mental

light a small fire to scare them. Who asked you to light a big fire?! Do you still want your

the one who asked me to set the fire. I–I‘m at most an accomplice!” He said in a trembling voice as he tried to calm himself. That‘s right. He was just following orders and was not the mastermind. He was not to blame


and said gloomily,” Really? Do you have

these phone calls are evidence. Do you think the police will believe you? We‘d never even met!” His words turned the man‘s

of this could be faked. He thought this was another trivial matter similar to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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