Chapter 487 Arianna did not coax Brittany nor comfort her. She let Brittany cry until her tears ended before asking, “Are you ready to talk now?” 

Brittany blew her nose with the tissue Arianna gave her. With wet eyes, she said, “You know, he is going to get engaged, but I don‘t even know who the woman is.” “Sigh, so that‘s what this is about.” Arianna objected, “I thought it was something bigger. He is only getting engaged, not married. Even if it was marriage, the divorce rates nowadays are high. What‘s up with you?” 

No one had ever said anything like that to Brittany from when she discovered Alexander had gotten engaged to when she confirmed it. Her parents were careful not to bring it up, while Brandon outright suggested that she give up. However, Arianna told her it was not a big deal. For a moment, she was stunned. 

“I–Is that so?” 

“Why not?” Bending at the waist, Arianna picked up two cups of fruit tea. She handed one to Brittany and held the other to warm her hand. “Brittany, I’m not trying to be hard on you, but look into the mirror. You‘re a good catch. Do you know how good of a catch you are? You have so many fans, including fans of your movies. 

Why do you have no confidence in yourself? I’ve always admired you.

When Arianna said all this, Brittany got anxious.

persisted. She believed her determination would touch him, and she would get a happy ending. Ultimately,




and looked at Brittany. Moving her red lips, she said something

cup onto the coffee table, giving off a crisp,

up fiercely, but sitting cross–legged for a long time had left her legs numb. Before she could stand, her legs turned to jelly, and she fell onto Arianna. The tea spilled, wetting both their clothes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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