Chapter 521 “That meant he gave the green light to use the plioto? Is die aware that the shot was taken at an awkward angle that invites misinterpretation?‘ “Have you seen the photo?” Lily asked again. Alexander shook his head. Since he was so busy, he had simply said yes when his assistant came to ask and then did not follow up. 

He only knew that the newspapers and magazines liad published the photo as gossip. Whenever he wanted to look it up, something would interrupt him, and he would forget about it. It was only now that he was reminded of it again. “Why? Did you see it? How is it? Do we look like a perfect match?” Alexander asked with great interest. 

Lily didn‘t know if she wanted to laugh or cry. ‘Perfect match?! We‘re so perfect that by only showing half of my body, you can tell we‘re a 


“Look at it yourself,” Lily said as she took out her phone and searched the Internet for the news before showing it to him. Alexander fell silent when he saw what was on the phone. His eyes narrowed as he studied the photo. “Where are you?” “Exactly. Where am I?” Lily nodded thoughtfully before pointing to the corner of the picture.” Who do you think this is?” Alexander continued to stare at the photo quietly before passing Lily back her phone and taking out his own. Then, he punched in some numbers and asked, “Which news outlet took our photo?” Lily had no idea what was being said on the other end of the phone when Alexander said, “The reporter that took the photo can be laid off.” Lily was speechless! ‘How could this man be so cruel? He just made a call to lay someone off without a second thought. This must be the beliavior of a devil!‘ 

you blame someone else for this?” Lily whispered. “Didn‘t you

idi*t! How could they publish this

couple.” Hearing this, Alexander narrowed his eyes threateningly. “Are you making fun of me?” “I won‘t dare to!” Lily quickly defended herself and stuck her tongue out. However, the smile on her lips betrayed her duplicity. “I just think that Olivia has suffered a lot for

I‘ll help you get justice!”

know wliat

ineant. When the car drove to a gated community, another car was already waiting for them outside. Once the other vehicle saw them

had met two days ago–Brandon Oakley. As for the woman,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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