Chapter 654

Arianna smiled and let go of her father’s arm.She picked up the glass on the table and took a sip.

"Ah, that felt nice.By the way, dad, I've thought about the new project.It's not impossible to let Damian go.I'll find a way to talk to a few people and convince them to let him go.However, the person in charge earlier..."

Before she could finish speaking, Joseph said impatiently, "I know.He’s called Nathaniel, right? I've been busy these days and haven't had time to ask you.

Why did you invite him there? Do you know that he has a bad reputation? His previous company even went bankrupt."

"I know.I wanted to understand the situation better, so I called him over.Ups and downs in the business field are inevitable, not to mention that he’s experienced and capable.He's very familiar with the area.Well, let him be the deputy and help Damian a little bit.After all, I can't be by Damian's side all the time.What do you think?"

She thought about it and made arrangements.

He planned to prepare Damian to take over the company,

If only...

to pay more attention to your brother and not depend on an outsider.You should have your guards up on


"Then I'll go to

upstairs.She was already walking up the stairs when she heard a


knew you’d

but as soon as

heard Joseph say, "Okay.Now that you are satisfied, please keep yourself out of

to trouble you, but Arianna is trying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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