Chapter 985

"Still, it’ll be interesting!"

Lisa was also interested now.

Two hands, one adult-sized and the other small, reached out toward her tummy.

Lily sat there speechless.She could not just move out of their reach, after all.

At that moment, Lily’s phone rang, and it was the perfect excuse to get away from them.

"I need to take this."

Lisa and Nick both felt disappointed because they could not feel the infant.

The caller was none other than Alexander.He was curious about how Lily was doing and wanted to know if she was resting well.

"Do you have guests over?" he asked.

Lily got pregnant, Alexander made sure to strengthen the security at home.He was

aware of visitors at the

here, and she brought many gifts, too," Lily replied

back and enjoyed the fruits laid out for her, Nick sat bolt upright, clearly still slightly tense.He

Unfortunately, his mother...

boy as well?" Alexander

boy I met in Westwood.I think you’ve seen

is also here in Sapphine City.Anyway, I'll be back

did not need to rush home, but before she could say it, he had already hung up.He had

decided not to tell her, she knew it was better for her not

Estate as soon as she had packed her belongings.Her room was

bedroom was spacious, and all the amenities suggested they wanted

at her side.He smiled and said, "Heather, if you’re still not happy with anything in the room, feel free to tell

"No, it’s fine."

was not very picky when

she had no intention of staying for

her luggage on the table and sat down on the bed.She tested the condition of the bed and was satisfied

so sleeping on a mattress that was too soft would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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