Ralph drove the car while Hannah stayed awake and looked out the window wide-eyed.

Ralph focused on driving but stole glances at her once in a while. He noticed her greedily taking in the scenery like a child, almost like it was the first time she had seen the outside world.

Unbeknownst to him, Hannah could only wish to see the outside world. She had to return immediately after completing her task every time she left home. She could not wander around.

Therefore, she went shopping, bought the jewelry she liked, pierced her ears, and tried hugging and kissing during her time with Ralph. Everything was so new and wonderful that she dared not close her eyes, fearing she would lose everything.

She did not want to lose these things because they made her happy, the happiest she had been for over 20 years.

so quiet and approachable, he was satisfied with how they interacted with each other now. ‘As long as she remains

he liked how she looked, but her horrible personality made him scared of her.

five-star hotel in Kingsland. After parking his car, he said as he opened the

were. Since there was not much she could take pleasure from over the years, she was not picky about food or accommodations and would be happy as long as she was

to suggest bringing

a good mood. Although she‘s wounded, her injury

then make love to her in the suite he had booked long-term

after s*x.’ Thinking this way, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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