Chapter 1078

Ralph felt even more victorious the more Heather acted this way. With a smug smile, he turned and approached the bottle of red wine he had prepared earlier and slowly poured the liquid into two wine glasses. He was not concerned about her words, as if everything was under his control.

Heather noticed his actions and followed behind him but stopped after taking one step.

With two wine glasses, Ralph turned around and faced her. "We're finally getting the things most important to us. Don't you think it calls for a celebration? Let us toast to our successful cooperation!"

Heather only looked at him for a moment before taking the glass. After seeing Ralph gulp the drink, she put the glass closer to her lips and took a sip. Then she stretched her arm out again. 'The book."

"Haha..." Ralph looked at her outreached hand. She had her palm facing up; her many fine lines and thin calluses differed from other girls with soft hands. With one look, one could tell those were traces from practicing kickboxing all year round.

across his mind. However, the feeling he got disappeared before he could figure out what

and showed her a few pictures he had taken. 'Take a

Before she could look at them enough, he suddenly retracted his hand and smiled mysteriously. "I'm

off by just showing me a

You’ve been in business for a few

tell you want to add additional terms now, so just give me the specifics." Heather sat on the couch and raised her chin slightly. Although she was looking up at him, her demeanor was not any

stood on his spot. He had to lower his gaze to look at her, but for some

"You're indeed brilliant! If it weren't for your nasty temper, I would want

the cr*p!" she interrupted coldly and asked, "Name your

his hand up, showing Heather his five fingers. "Besides that, I want to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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