Chapter 1356

"I..." Maria was dumbfounded. "Why wouldn't I care about how you feel? I'm telling you privately, aren't I? On top of that, I'm just telling the truth! You need to face reality! Do you want me to lie to your face and tell you that you're not fat?

"Do you want me to tell you that you're too thin and should eat more? Is that what Lily has been telling you? Only your family would be honest with you, and sometimes honesty is hard to swallow. However, you must know we're doing this for your good. Why would outsiders try and help you?"

Maria continued to persuade her niece, "Look at you. You've known her for a few days, and you're already saying hurtful things to your aunt. I think you should stay away from her. As your aunt, why would I try to hurt you?”

"I just said one thing, and you're already offended? Aunt Maria, your heart must be made of glass! All these years, you've been saying these nasty things to me. Why didn't you stop to think about how it'll hurt me?" Anatasia questioned coldly.

After all, we're not making dinner tonight, and people like me shouldn't be eating. I can't let you suffer like

you saying these things? Tasia, if your father hears about this..." Maria tried to threaten Anastasia with her father again. After

and snapped, "Then you might as well repeat what you said to me to my dad. It's okay

With just a few words, Anastasia had shut her down. Of course, Maria dared not repeat what she had said in front of Cameron.

child, while Maria was an elder. Maria, as an aunt, felt responsible forteaching this child since her mother had passed away very early on. However, she was well aware of Cameron's

bad temper. Despite that, he constantly spoiled Anastasia. If he heard what Maria had

good." Maria changed her tone and continued, "If

walked off, followed by a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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