Chapter 1524 "Old man!" She called him solemnly out of the blue. "This is important! Do you really want your only grandnephew to have been murdered?"

Like a little boy who got scolded, Dominic pouted. He was worried but had only talked tough.

"All right then." He mumbled, 'What kind of lousy research institute would do such a horrible thing?"

Lily thought the same. If she knew the research institute would be up to no good, she would not have joined in the first place.

thought.' "I think the research institute is just a local base. They should be operating in more than one place,"

"What?!” Dominic was shocked.

been leaked from here. Of course, it's just something that I suspect, and I've asked someone to investigate. I feel like the government might have noticed something as well, but we are not aware of it," she said

complicated things. It would be best if young people like you looked into it." "So I have to ask you to take care of Galen for a few more days. I'll only take him back after I settle

something, but he opened his mouth and decided against it, waving. "Fine! I guess it's just

plan to bring your son to? I know you and your husband want to save the world and keep getting yourselves into trouble, but don’t drag Galen into this! Do you know how old he is? He will stay here and not go anywhere!" "Okay!" Lily readily

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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