Chapter 1621

Having remained quiet on the side, Dr. Morris spoke, 'The government started building the vaccination center a long time ago, and I think it should be operational by now. I heard the tender process had been completed, so I assume it will be very soon. They have also rounded up the specialists in that field, so I'm sure they'll step up the prevention of the spread of the virus."

'This is no doubt good news!'

Lily grew calmer and asked, despite herself, "Have they already developed the vaccine? Is it reliable? Has it gone through clinical trials yet? Are there any data on its side effects and adverse reactions?"

Dr. Blanc shook his head. "I'm not sure since it's a different department. However, vaccines would have to go through several stages of clinical trials before they could be used. Anyway, I'm only telling you this so that you know everyone is working hard, and it's not you alone."

"I know you're eager to find the cure, but don't get too anxious about it." With a soft sigh, Dr. Blanc said, "We must do things one step at a time.

What's important is that we can steadily eradicate the virus."

was somewhat anxious before this, Dr. Blanc’s words


yes, this is the latest data on the effectiveness of your concoction." Dr. Morris took a step forward and handed her a logbook. "Lab mice 3 and 11

was careful with his wording but stayed true to the facts. He did not try

medicine or Lily.

the logbook and closed it. The data was only to ascertain whether the results would be as she had imagined, and now it proved that her judgment was correct as the outcome

and if there's no problem, I'll gradually put my medicine to use," she said, looking at

Blanc nodded and looked at her serenely as he waved at Dr. Morris." Moe, go to Zone A to see the progress of their experiment, then bring a copy of their data to submit to the central unit

to carryout his instructions, leaving Dr. Blanc

her a deep look. "Are you

buy it and added, "I slept just now.

Dr. Blanc said, 'Then make a trip with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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