Chapter 1623

"I don't understand why you couldn't tell beforehand if you're picking up Alex. Why couldn't you just tell me? Patient number 58? A new case? What the hell was that about?" Lily questioned Dr. Blanc as she stared at him.

She was distraught. 'I understand if they discovered Alex and now want to take him away for quarantine, but why didn't they tell me anything during such a long journey from the center?'

Dr. Blanc looked at her deeply without a word.

"Did you not tell me because you thought I wouldn't agree to it and would relocate him in advance?" Lily guessed since she could not get an answer from Dr. Blanc.

"Lily, there's no need to dwell on it. You've stayed at the center for quite some time and know how special and serious the disease can be. I only didn't inform you just in case-"

why do you want

that we don't

"Just like you said, the most professional team of medical staff is attending to Alex. I guarantee they’ll take full safety measures to ensure the disease wouldn't spread. As for transferring him, there’s no need. Thank you, Dr. Blanc, for your good intention, but please

heard that, took action, and surrounded them. Suddenly, there was a stand-off, and a fight looked like it was about to

and said, "Calm down, Lily. Don’t be rash. We're only relocating Mr. Russell to the center because we can

and sample will be more direct and valuable than the local

Blanc, if that's the case, why couldn't you tell me right from the

waited until now to corner me into agreeing to it, didn’t you? If you don't trust me, why should I trust you? Trust is supposed

stumped and did not know how to answer. Indeed, he feared Lily would disagree and secretly relocate her husband. That was why Dr. Blanc did not tell her who they were picking up until

wanted to ensure nothing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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