Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 1693-Fabian had been occupied with the vaccine development project and didn’t seem to care about other things.

He was as pleased as punch.

When Maria came home and saw that the things in the house had been moved out and thrown in the yard, she called out anxiously,

” What is this for? Who told you guys to throw my things away?!” “Me!” Fabian stood in the yard, arms akimbo, and declared confidently.

With a chuckle, he walked toward her and softly continued, “I’m just throwing away the old things to replace them with new ones!” “New ones? What new ones?” Maria inquired, perplexed.

Seeing that all the carefully selected sofas were being carried out, she rushed over to stop them.

“Who said you can throw this away? This is still good!” “So what if it’s good? There are better things!” Fabian held her back and smiled triumphantly.

‘Don’t you know where we stand now? How can these things still be of any worth to us? Throw them all away so it’ll be easier when we move to a new house!” “A new house?!” “Yeah.

I saw a house at the end of the next street.

It looks magnificent.

don’t need all

time comes, we’ll get a new

will give the house a more luxurious feeling!” As soon as he said that, Maria’s

quickly dimmed, and she

“Come on.

it? Stop dreaming!” With a snort, she turned around to stop those

furniture if they couldn’t

do you know?!” Fabian grabbed

has been passed,

this batch of goods

get our share of the

even buy three sets of it!” Maria’s

Fabian looked at her with his head held

continued, “Once the vaccine is put into use, the

much money do you think we’ll make then?” After counting with her fingers, she seemed to think of something

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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