Seeing him in this state, Olivia threw herself over to Edward, knocking Alexander aside.

“Enough! Stop pushing him!”

“He suffered from injuries when he returned and hasn’t fully recovered! Whatever happened, he has ended up like this, thanks to you.I beg you not to disturb him and let him recuperate, okay?”

She cried as she spoke.

Alexander wanted to say something else, but Lily could not bear to see Olivia crying so sadly and put her hand on his shoulder.

“Give him some time.You both need to cool down.”

He had something else to say, but Lily had signaled him to stop with a look.

Alexander thought about it, then let go of the wheelchair before standing up.

He looked down at Edward and said, “I don’t know what you’ve been through or what you heard, but I hope you’ll think about this carefully.Although you work for me, I think of you as a brother.Do you remember how I’ve treated you over the years?”

looking away and did not want

his eyes and refrained from speaking


go and leave

can I take

“Wrist pulse?”

looked over

as you know, I know a bit about herbal medicine.I’d like to know how much Edward has recovered and

reached out

withdrew his hand as if he

can’t detect internal injuries easily and might not immediately experience any symptoms.As Olivia’s friend, I have no ill

Edward and said, “Why don’t you let Lily

f*ck for?” Edward

do you think I am? A guinea pig? Do you

turned the wheelchair around as he spoke.Shocked by

let her try, then don’t.Getting agitated


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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