Chapter 1801

Lily followed Mike to the destination. She had known from the beginning where they were going, but she had assumed they would go in through the front entrance rather than the side. The car entered the place without causing any commotion.

Although it was just a side entrance, there were surveillance and infrared cameras at the top. From what she understood about her house's security system, this place had tight security.

"This organization of yours is indeed something. They can even get into such a place," Lily said, slightly surprised.

The corners of Mike's lips moved, but he did not say anything. Soon, they arrived at the underground parking lot. Once the car was parked, Mike led her into an elevator, scanned his access card, and pressed the button for the top floor.

Lily noticed that there were only two buttons to press in this elevator, which were for the top floor and the underground parking, respectively. There were not any buttons for the floors in between, so they would not stop by there.

thought that the higher management used the floors for discussion on the project. In retrospect, it probably housed the mastermind

she had crossed paths with him. She even wondered if she had met him in the institute before and did not know it

about the mastermind's identity. Now that she was going to meet him suddenly, she felt

the elevator, she propped one hand on her waist by habit while stroking her belly with another hand. She took a deep breath, then breathed it out slowly. If anyone else were to see this sight, they would only think that a pregnant woman was out shopping. None of them

slightly to the side and said


did not take his words to heart. If Mike could protect her, he would not be threatened by the mastermind in the first place. Frankly, he was in a dangerous state himself, so how could he protect


just frowned and looked at the arrow pointing up on the display and

stop along the way, they arrived at the top

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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