Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 1925 -“Someone has wronged you, Mr.Corden!”

Rick raised his hand and lightly patted Mike’s shoulder.

Then he glanced meaningfully at Mike’s injury before sitting down again.

Mike sucked in a breath, obviously in much pain.

As he put his leg away, he tied up the torn bandage again and said, “Rick, what were you trying to do? Did you think my injury was fake?”

Rick’s voice was cold as a smile crept onto his stoic face.

“Well, not really.I just wanted to see what weapon the other party used.”

His excuse was superficial, and no one bought it.

Mike snorted and said, “If you wanted to know what weapon they used, you could’ve just asked me.Also, don’t change the topic! The most urgent thing right now is to find the boss quickly!”

pause, he continued, “Do the higher-ups know about the


had mentioned the higher-ups, Rhea’s face froze.Even Rick raised

it.She did not know which

people were working behind the scenes, she had never been in contact

inform them,” Rhea hesitantly said as

incident was so sudden.That’s why we haven’t

not report the incident. However, the boss’s disappearance could not stay hidden for

of contacting the higher-ups, and they should be in

that, he would have to report

dared even to imagine what the consequences would be if the higher-ups knew about

the boss before the higher-ups learn of his disappearance!” Mike said

the pain as large beads

anxious and

him before slowly turning to

think, Ms.Christian?” He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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