Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 1935 -Lily was not upset nor behaving recklessly.

The truth was that she had already succeeded but had not told anyone about it.

She finally successfully created the latest batch of experimental products just two days ago.

As the success was recent and she was uncertain of how stable the drug was—coupled with the fact that she did not want to hand it to the organization—she did not reveal it to anyone, including Mike.

However, Rick’s attitude today puzzled her.

The man gave the ultimatum as if he knew the experiment had succeeded.

‘haven’t told anyone, so how did Rick find out? Did he simply give me an ultimatum without knowing about it?’ She noticed Mike’s confusion and curled her lips into a half- smile.

“I mean, I’ll give my all to the experiment today.There is still a batch of experimental products, so I’ll know the result tomorrow.As he said, all he wants is the outcome, whether or not it works.”

“But if you fail…”

“If I fail, he can just kill me.”She shrugged and smiled casually.

the worst

“I won’t let him!”

anything happen to you

promise to Alexander, and

I’m not going to die

Lily smiled, unfazed.

did not tell Mike the experiment had succeeded because she thought the best way to keep a

would be safer if he did not

Mike knew, the more dangerous things would get for him, especially in a place like the


could not help but

for dragging you into

Lily shook her head.

got dragged into this, so you shouldn’t blame yourself.You should already know there’s no escaping if they target us.Take Nick, for example.He’s young and has done nothing wrong, yet they still

there was no reason for Mike to blame himself for what had happened.He let

the more I understand why Alex fell for

had known Alexander for a long time, and as far as he knew, Alexander was never attracted to anyone, even though many beautiful women threw

learn about his sudden marriage and was curious about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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