Mike was staggered by what Rhea said.He could not imagine her turning the "boss" into a guinea pig.

Although he had witnessed humankind’s ugly side and many inhumane experiments, he found it hard to accept seeing how horrifying the man looked now.

After all, hearing and witnessing something first hand were wholly different experiences.

The gory sight before Mike greatly affected him, but Rhea, having caused it, was unbothered.

"Why are you..."

Mike cleared his throat and continued, "Why are you So Sure your experiment is what the organization wants? If they truly want it, I doubt you need to approach them, right? Perhaps what you think is great means nothing to them."

It was only a casual remark, but he hit her sore spot.

the organization did not

they did, she would have openly

the organization to repay them for recognizing her

importantly, her family could not afford to pay for

could support her dreams

although Rhea had worked hard for the organization, her importance to them decreased to the point she was no different than the other researchers or scientists

lured into the organization.

unbearable to her, even

field and seeing her achievements, Rhea always thought she was a genius the world had yet to discover.She told herself she would wow the whole

she would no longer need to curry Anastasia or anyone’s favor, as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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