Stephanie was woken up by the annoying alarm clock, and it was already bright outside.

She, with a splitting headache, slowly sat up from the bed, reached out to stop the alarm clock, and then her eyes searched the room for something. However, she realized that the room was empty except for herself.


He sneaked away!

How ruthless!

He promised a billion dollars, but nothing was left behind.

Suddenly, she noticed a note lying quietly on the bedside table.


How interesting!

actually dared to


it. With anger swelling inside her, she dialed the number and

phone had rung three times

but cold as a beast! I saved you, and this is how you treat me! What kind of person are you?! Even if you were disoriented at the time,


continued, eventually crying from her own fury, "Do you have any clue what this means to me?! You ruined my life, you know that?! I haven't even had a boyfriend, never been in love, and then you slept with

cried into the phone, but there was no response from

angrier, finally burying her face

voice on the other

just pissed her off

back what I lost? Can you?!" Shouted Stephanie. Bastard, he even had the nerve to say

from the other end, the guy said, "I can marry

don't even like you! Don't get ahead of yourself, just stay away from

of anger, she throwed the phone on the floor, but then only felt regret and quickly jumped out of bed to

phone wasn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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