"Haha, we definitely can't afford those clothes you picked out for us!"

"Since I'm the one who brought you guys out shopping, how can I possibly make you spend your own money?"

"No way... You loaded people didn't get your money easily, so we can't let you pay for everything... How about this, to celebrate our dorm's new look and great atmosphere, I'll treat you guys to a meal!" Stephanie said.

"Pfft, Steph, do you even have any money?"

"Yeah, I do! My mom's medical expenses have been resolved, and the money I earned from my part-time job is still in my bank account, so it's now my living expenses! Just say what you wanna eat, I got money!"

"Hahahaha... Alright, I want steak!"

"Then let's all go have steak together!"

The three of them, in great spirits, left the dorm together, attracting quite a few stares along the way.

After leaving the school, the three walked toward a restaurant near the school.

Stephanie's phone suddenly rang - it was her mom calling her.

She must be asking about her situation at school. Stephanie hurriedly answered the phone: "Mom!"

voice sounded upbeat as she laughed and asked, "Steph, how's everything at school? Have you

her mom was worried

I even made some new friends! Gillian and I went to

wonderful! When I am feeling better, I'll come to school and invite your friends

Mom! We're actually about to go eat steak

Seb arranged for me came yesterday. You don't have to worry about me being

He's been so kind to us, so

"Understood, Mom!"

paid any attention to her anymore, but she didn't want to

things at school are taken care of as well, she should express

have a great time with your friends. I won't bother


Gillian. I'm with Steph right now. Don't worry,

used to

her too! You just focus on getting better! Steph cares about you

Steph not to worry about me. My life has been getting better

take good

She doesn't


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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