What did Sebastian mean to her?

It felt like he wasn't that important to her.

At first, It's true that she saved him. But he paid her back for the favor.

However, later on, she caused so many troubles for him, and yet he never complained and took care of everything for her. To the point that he even assigned his personal secretary to help her with such a small matter as finding an assistant and arranging a meeting with a big-shot agent in the afternoon, not only for her but also for her best friend Gillian.

Sebastian was more than good enough to her.

On the other hand, she had misunderstood him at first and continued to do so even after the misunderstanding was cleared up. She approached him like a stranger when she needed something from him but never even bothered to call him otherwise.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized she had been out of line.

What did Sebastian mean to her?

A backer? A future husband? Even though they didn't really have feelings for each other? It seemed like she took all the benefits at Sebastian's expense, which was quite unfair to him!

Stephanie thought that aside from her own mother, Sebastian was probably the best person in the world to her.

and would just treat him as a family member!

cultivate your relationship like you and your mother. Be closer! You should know some of his circumstances. Although he has a big family, there

I'll remember that! I'll be especially good to Silver

smile, Martin said, "Alright, I'm leaving now. Go back to your friend

thing! Take your

luxury car parked by

"Holy shit! Even a secretary drives such a fancy car!

Gillian said,

How did Steph get to know him?

by saving his life and


other way around, Steph saved



a man's life

man promises himself to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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