Chapter 42 They Meet in the Club

It was not very far from the University of Washington to Ainsley’s home, but for the first time, Ainsley felt a little tired on the way back

After returning home, Ainsley did not even have the mood to make dinner. She just took out a bottle of beet from the refrigerator and nestled herself into the sofa.

She was a little agitated.

But she could not tell why.

She knew very well that she no longer loved Cason. Actually, she hated Cason now.

However, ever since Cason deliberately disgusted Ainsley after they got divorced, Ainsley could not help but feel irritated and even nauseous.

She could not believe that she fell for such a man before.

The alcohol went down her throat to her stomach, and it slowly dissipated the irritation in Ainsley’s


Suddenly, her phone rang.

her fingers slightly and

There is a new club in Seattle. I heard

for a moment and said, “Text me

the taxi, Ainsley stood in the cold wind and looked up at the club’s neon

French on the sign, but she liked the


her eyes and saw Lainey trotting over, and then Lainey gave Ainsley a

kissed Ainsley’s cheek, Lainey saw Ainsley’s clothes and immediately

why did you wear this

light-colored jeans, and a pair of white canvas shoes. She

that ***Cason. If I meet him one day, I will definitely beat him up. He completely changed

are you talking about? I’m just too tired after working for

her tongue and smiled. Lainey grabbed Ainsley’s arm and walked into the club. “Alright, I was just

each ordered a specially made ***. Lainey saw that Ainsley had been a little disinterested. They were good friends for many years. Lainey knew there must be something on Ainsley’s mind, but Ainsley was unwilling to say it. So Lainey

not know that a few men in the next booth were looking at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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