Chapter 158 Psychiatrist Expert

Koen looked at Irene with satisfaction. Mr. Wade only had one granddaughter. If he wanted someone to inherit the family business in the future, it would definitely be Irene.

Ainsley looked at Serina beside her, who was only focusing on her dessert and filled her glass with juice.

Mr. Koen Gage hadn’t seen Serina for a long time, so he was busy getting her something to eat and said politely, “I heard that Ms. Easton has been taking care of Ms. Easton, especially after the kidnapping. When she fell ill, it was you helping take care of her. The Gage family is very grateful to you, and if you want anything later, you just tell Manuel.”

These words sounded fine, but Ainsley was regarded as an outsider according to those


“Mr. Koen Gage is being too polite.”

Irene stared at Ainsley carefully for a long time, and the meaning in her eyes was


It was just that when they were talking and laughing, she always had the attitude of a hostess as if she deliberately showed it to Ainsley.

“Ms. Easton, the last time I saw you in the hospital, I wanted to invite you to dinner. Unfortunately, you were not feeling well. You are welcome this time. In order to celebrate Mr. Koen Gage’s discharge from the hospital, Manuel invited the chef from Pearl Hotel. I said that I would invite you to Pearl Hotel for dinner. This time it counts.” Irene said with

a smile.

Ainsley nodded. No wonder she felt that the shrimp in front of her tasted so familiar, it

should have been made by Roman.

It happened that Roman came over with a dish in person, “Mr. Koen Gage, this is a new

dish I came up with recently. Try it, and you are the only one who has this.”

Roman graciously put the plate in front of Mr. Koen, and opened the lid for him, “Look.”

The smell overflowed instantly, and the sound of sniffing sounded from time to time

throughout the lobby..

He looked at everyone’s reactions with satisfaction, looked at Manuel and Irene, and then, looked at Mr. Koen and Mr. Wade.


She was here too?

Roman looked at Manuel suddenly and blinked twice quickly.

respond but lowered his head

crazy. Irene was

the lid

What a strange thing this

true that he hadn’t seen Mr. Gage and Ms. Easton together

that Mr. Gage would not change his mind,


meal, Ainsley didn’t

Gage family and the Wade family were chatting and joking, so she took Serina to

Irene stopped her, “Ms. Easton, please come

turned around strangely, seeing Mr. Wade staring at Serina with

you. Mr. Koen Gage is also very embarrassed. I met a

only willing to contact you, so I have to take the liberty of asking you to stay

while.” Irene said.

the flowers in the

go and enjoy

understood that the Gage family didn’t want her to stay in the living

want to

leave, but Serina held her hand,

spot. These were the only two words that Serina

you finally start

she said later, Serina didn’t reply anymore, as if the two words just now had never come out of

refused to let go..


one after another, but she never responded. Her hand also pinched Ainsley’s wrist, and

for help, Ainsley slowly pushed her hand away, “Serina, I won’t leave. I will come back

go of her hand and followed Irene to the second

lot of trouble on the Internet, and Serina’s condition got worse after she was handed over to her,

Mr. Koen Gage didn’t have

Ainsley stood in the


was bored, Manuel came

been a long time since the two of them met alone. She

if he had

to talk to her because

right? So when Irene came, he had to

an explanation?” She heard

dimmed, and he suddenly reached out to

dodged back, dodging the outstretched

tell you yet. I hope you can believe me.” He looked into her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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