Chapter 161 The Decker Contest

She had never met such a situation. When she delved into the subconscious of m*ntal patients, the feedbacks she got were the most truthful parts of their hearts.

In other words, what they said was absolutely true to their hearts, so why did Serina say something that couldn’t have happened?

She continued to ask, “It’s snowing heavily, and you’re surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness. You feel cold, and the Christmas songs that sound in your ears remind your that it’s Christmas Day. What do you see?”

“Manuel, Ainsley, and I are all sitting by the Christmas tree, singing Christmas songs


Ainsley was stunned. She appeared in Serina’s memory again.

The scene of watching the concert in summer didn’t exist in Ainsley’s memory. Nor did the scene of singing at Christmas.

She suddenly thought of a person that might appear in Serina’s memory.

Could it be that it was Irene who accompanied Manuel and Serina and that Serina

mistook her for Ainsley out of m*ntal confusion?

Doubtful as she was, she finished the treatment.

In the evening, she finished her new paper and submitted it.

The next day, Mollie called her.

“Ainsley, I have read the paper you wrote, and it has more referential values than the last one. The data model this time is very good.”

“Mollie, thanks to the data you sent me, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to make it so

perfect,” Ainsley said.

Mollie’s voice was particularly excited, “I want to submit your paper to the Decker

Contest, do you think it’s okay?”

“Mollie, can I really do it?” She was overjoyed.

The Decker Contest was a well–known psychological research conference, and only

well–known professors had access to it.

But she was just a m*ntal counselor at school with only three papers published.

The Decker Contest had a very strict review system, and she was not sure whether she

qualified to attend

understood her uneasiness and quickly said, “Of course, I have shown

published before to many people, and they all said it

“Thank you, Mollie.”

send you the entry form later, please remember to

the recommender blank.”

Ainsley would not refuse. Mollie had

first–prize winner each year had the right to confer the


the past, Mollie gave it to her students, but this year she chose her. How could she

be grateful?

three days for the committee to rate the papers, so

during this period.

go to school these three days but concentrated on

not returned to the lively and cheerful state before. Now she only clung to Ainsley

Serina looked around vigilantly and

going to

said comfortingly,

us?” She opened her eyes

opened, and Matteo walked in. Ainsley pointed at him, “He

looked at Matteo and sized him up for a long time. It was not until Matteo was about to go upstairs that she said,


what she was talking about might not be the

Manuel, and this time it’s Matteo,” Ainsley said it again

footsteps on the stairs paused, especially after hearing her speaking of that

look at Ainsley. Had she known about


her head,

and she thought for a long time before she realized, “I

their conversation, “Serina, don’t mention

front of Aisy.”

is back, he only cares about being with her now, and Ainsley has already decided to forget him,”

“Why? I remember that Irene is always in

blank, and she exchanged a glance with Matteo. Could it be that Serina didn’t remember anything

thought for a


her head in her hands, and the severe pain made her want to

couldn’t tell

speak, but she had forgotten the

she still

was rarely seen, and she must ask Mollie and Zane

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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