Chapter 41 Who Are You?

288 Vouchem 1.

After Brian came out of the Murphy Group, he was holding the contract with joy on his face.

He got the car from the basement and planned to go straight to the Ace Hotel to find Jennifer.

Unexpectedly, just as the car arrived halfway, dozens of off-road vehicles rushed out and surrounded him.

Brian immediately felt something was wrong, and quickly abandoned the car and fled.

But just a few meters away, a luxury car seemed to be out of control and drove straight towards him.

He was so frightened that he fled everywhere, but the more he fled, the more the car would run over him, as if it wanted to hit him to death.

After the car pushed him back to a corner, the driver’s door slowly opened.

A man wearing a gold and copper mask got out of the car.

Two beams of extremely dazzling headlights in front of the car hit Brian’s


he could only vaguely discern that it was a teenager in casual and loose

a boy is because his

and guessed which family he must

a giant, how dare he

did you get the guts?!

you know who I

concluded that he must not know himself, otherwise he would never

head slightly, with a frivolous

“I know.”

hoarse, deliberately

saw him, and felt that he

the man arrogantly, pointed at his nose and said angrily: “Boy, you actually know

standing behind

were going to do, but the bodyguard suddenly took out a knife and

that within a few


screamed in

echoed throughout the basement.

didn’t dare to touch him, but he didn’t expect to cut

in front of him is not a playboy at all, but


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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