Chapter 445

288 (Vouchers

“Jenny, you are…

Jennifer didn’t realize that her neck was full of hickeys, but when she saw Carley’s shocked eyes, she realized it.

She quickly covered her neck with her hands, and lowered her head in embarrassment.


“Did Brain force you?”

Brian looked at Jennifer like he was watching prey.

Carley wanted to remind Jennifer that she was here yesterday, but was busy with the wedding and taking care of Charles’ relatives, so he didn’t have time to talk to her.

Seeing Jennifer come back like this now, she became even more suspicious that she was bullied by Brain.


“Jenny, tell me the truth, if he really forced me, I’ll go to him and fight for my life!”

When Carley thought of Jennifer being forced by a wretched man, she became so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to rush into the kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

Jennifer quickly stopped her: “Carley, not Brian.”

Carley froze for a moment, “Who is that?”

Jennifer really didn’t know how to say this kind of thing.

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Carley suddenly understood.

and Shaun are

times before, and her skin was always

after all, that man has always been so ruthless with

“Not him.”

again, so she told the truth: “I… I was with another man

was a little shocked, she would still be with


believe it, but seeing Jennifer’s embarrassing look, she couldn’t

hand and asked nervously, “Who is it?

Jennifer gritted her teeth and said, “It’s

is there something


arm, “Carley, don’t worry, when I’m stable with

Carley’s tense

not long ago, how did you find

which is not like Jennifer’s character of a good

such people. I was with Shaun before, and I couldn’t fall in love. Now we are separated.

you to

what are you worried about?”

her with

you will meet

was afraid of nagging too much and annoying Jennifer, so she stopped talking.

me to help you take care of it,

as long as you don’t agree, I will never marry in my life!”

marry, you still

Carley stared anxiously.

“I’m just kidding.”

pretended to be nonchalant and smiled

has been worrying about her for most of her life, is no

and sensible since she was a child, and she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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